Email newsletter tips: free book on planning

Almost every time I start an email newsletter for clients, I wish they had a better understanding of what goes into creating an effective newsletter. So I wrote a free e-book to fill that gap.

It’s simple, practical and packed with information. It makes no assumptions about strategic planning or technical jargon.

From the decades I’ve been writing and editing newsletters, I know that most people start out with great enthusiasm that wanes with time and work. To stay on track, they need a detailed yet flexible plan. The book’s work sheets will help them complete one.

The book will continue to help, as they customize their template and write the kind of content their readers want.

The book is especially valuable for experts who want to build relationships with like-minded people through a knowledge-rich newsletter. Too often experts toil unknown and underappreciated because they don’t know how to make their ideas shine.

7 Steps to Shine Brighter through Electronic Newsletters is where they should start. If this sounds like somebody you know, please send them to

If you’re already an expert on newsletters, please share your opinions and let me know what you think I’ve missed.